Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How Concierge Style Care Breaks Open Healthcare Silos

One of the most frustrating parts of the healthcare experience for any patient seeking treatment is simply knowing where to get started.

There is a massive amount of information out there about hospitals, doctors and the services they offer, and sifting through it and establishing how to connect different services can be daunting.

Making an on-the-fly decision about where to start based on the symptoms you’re experiencing can be difficult, even impossible. This can ultimately cause further health complications as conditions go untreated and unchecked due to the inadequacy of the system in place.

This is the kind of scenario that you as an an employer want to prevent for your employees. We’ve explained how concierge style customer service in healthcare can do exactly that.

Let’s take a deeper look at how this type of care specifically combats healthcare information silos.

When we refer to care being in silos, what that means is that data is often stored in independent units, or “silos,” of information. Doctors don’t always talk to a patient’s other doctors and specialists. Hospitals don’t always communicate with other hospitals.

Picture each care provider as a towering, walled-in grain silo, holding granules of information that never travel from their container to any other nearby silos.

Healthcare silos have created a massive problem for patients to receive the care they need. Without specialists communicating well, tests are often repeated or symptoms are missed — causing frustrating delays.

Treatment can involved dozens of different healthcare professionals, and with the current standard model, those professionals are making decisions based on only partial information about the patient.

Even patients themselves might not have access to the best information about their own care to begin with, as we mentioned above.

Beyond the individual picture, healthcare as a whole suffers from the lack of information sharing. With access to fuller descriptions of cases, doctors could more quickly diagnose patients.

Often when assessing a complex situation, it’s not that data regarding prior case studies doesn’t exist for doctors to study. It’s simply that healthcare is structured so they do not have access to it.

Sometimes breaking down a systemic issue can start on the level of one patient at a time, and concierge style care is doing exactly that.

This concept encompasses a model where patients have access to information distilled down and personalized for them. It means direct relationships with care providers operating within a network streamlined to include the most important and effective care to patients.

Although concierge care has been offered by individual hospitals or doctors to patients, usually that kind of care is very costly and requires additional insurance for catastrophic scenarios.

In order to make concierge medicine both effective and affordable, Captiva’s model invites benefit providers to combine the concept of concierge care with reference-based pricing and the full support of the rest of the Health Rosetta components.

This approach keeps the cost down while still allowing for all the benefits of direct relationships between patients and their care team. This tight and transparent relationship between patient, doctors and benefit providers breaks down the information silos, creating clear communication.

If you want to understand more about how our model of care can help both your employees and their doctors make more informed decisions, we’re happy to answer your questions.

How Concierge Style Care Breaks Open Healthcare Silos was originally seen on:

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