Saturday, December 1, 2018

Here’s What Healthcare Consumers Are Looking For

The end of the year tends to serve as an opportunity for reflecting on both the year that was and what’s to come.

When it comes to the rapidly shifting realm of healthcare and health benefits, that annual conversation is particularly vital, with the year’s end serving as a chance for health industry professionals to take stock of consumers’ needs and adjust their strategy.

According to a survey published by patient-to-provider matching service Kyruus, one of those major needs boils down to convenience.

That drive for convenience is particularly prevalent in millennials, a generation with full schedules and limited budgets. Millennials were likely to search for health care providers based on who could get them an appointment fast — moving past anyone who couldn’t. However, convenience-based decisions held true across all generations surveyed. Unsurprisingly, most of those decisions are being made by searching online.

These findings are backed up by research done by online brand builder Reputation. They found that consumers hunting for healthcare lean heavily on positive online reviews and ratings to narrow down their search, skimming through assessments left both on Google and on individual provider websites.

There are a few crucial takeaways from these findings. First, we know that healthcare providers without openings when patients need it are missing out on business (and patients are potentially missing out on care). Second, we can conclude that where reliable and credible reviews of providers and practices are not quickly available, consumers are left in the dark.

The model that Captiva Benefit Solutions helps businesses implement, as consistent with the values of the Health Rosetta, can solve both of these problems.

With our focus on value-based primary care, patients are matched with primary care physicians who can much more quickly find the right fit for any specialized needs. Honing in on quality care instead of leaving a massive quantity of providers to sort through, hoping you win the schedule availability lottery, ultimately means more preventative measures are possible (which saves everyone involved time and money in the long run).

By providing concierge style customer service, Captiva’s model also removes the guesswork out of sifting through online reviews. With clearly defined options and networks of only vetted and approved options, the process becomes as hassle-free as possible. Having access to more information also allows patients to make decisions that make the most financial sense; with proper education about their options, they’re less likely to get pressured into unnecessary tests or procedures that quickly add up.

Captiva’s approach disrupts the status quo and easily answers the health care consumer priority of convenience. If you’re ready to bring that kind of healthcare to your business’s employees, please get in touch with us.

Here’s What Healthcare Consumers Are Looking For is available on:

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